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Vacancies for Turners, Millers & Apprentices

Vacancies for Turners, Millers & Apprentices

Vacancies for Turners, Millers & Apprentices

We are currently in the process of recruiting machinists. At Qualitech we pride ourselves on timely delivery and most importantly, quality workmanship.

Our primary aim is to service the commercial/industrial community of Trinidad & Tobago by providing a comprehensive spare part manufacturing and machine shop service to cater for any type of industrial plant and machinery.

To apply please email your application to info@quali.tech , send a copy to:


Facility At Amazon Drive,
Point Lisas Industrial Estate.
Trinidad, W.I.

or feel free to apply using our digital application form seen below.

Application Form

    Select the type of position you desire:

    Please select your job of interest:

    Citizen of Trinidad & Tobago?

    Please attach your resume in Word or PDF Format: